Happy Birthday, Beyond Agile Auditing!

Happy Birthday, Beyond Agile Auditing!

It's hard to believe, but it's been an entire year since my book, Beyond Agile Auditing: Three Core Components to Revolutionize Your Internal Audit Practices, was published. Happy Book Birthday!

What a year it's been! Since launching the book, I've had the pleasure of connecting with other professionals from around the world, teaching about auditing with agility and learning from others who are on their own journey to better audit experiences through agility. Thank you to each of you who participated in these events and conversations, have read my book, interacted with me on social media or through clarissalucas.com, or left a review on Amazon, Audible, or with your favorite book retailer.

Congratulations to the four winners of the Beyond Agile Auditing Book Birthday giveaway! Joseph Earl and one other winner received free audiobook versions of the book, and Neil Maxwell and Stephen Espinola won paperback versions. Thank you to all who entered the giveaway and helped make this very special book birthday memorable!

If you're new to this community and curious about how Beyond Agile Auditing and the concepts within came to life, here's a blog post in which I detail my journey to learning about agility, applying it to internal audit, and writing about it: https://www.clarissalucas.com/the-road-to-beyond-agile-auditing/

As I begin my second year as a published author, I look forward to continued learnings, which I will share in this newsletter. If there are any specific topics you're interested in learning more about, add a comment to this post to let me know!

If you haven't yet read it or are on the fence about whether or not this is the book for you, here are the videos from when we launched one year ago: Introductory webinar, fireside chat for auditors, and fireside chat for non-auditors. They provide insight into the content of the book and how it can help you, regardless of whether you're an auditor or an audit client (non-auditor).

Don't forget to get your copy of Beyond Agile Auditing: Three Core Components to Revolutionize Your Internal Audit Practices today. It's available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook versions. Order your copy here.

Views or opinions expressed here are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer